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Three Situations That Will Have A Judge Reconsider The Amount Of Alimony You Pay Every Month

Getting the amount of alimony you pay every month reduced is actually a common question from those who are newly divorced. Alimony isn't a final sentence, it is simply a way to accommodate a spouse to grew used to the standard of living while the two of you were married. Though getting your alimony payments lowered isn't something that every judge is willing to do under normal circumstances, there are situations that will cause the courts to reevaluate your case. You may be able to get your monthly payments lowered or terminated altogether.


You can't very well support your ex-spouse if you can't even support yourself. Losing your job is an extenuating circumstance that will make the judge reconsider the amount of alimony that you pay every month. This will not work, however, if you quit your job to avoid paying alimony.

The judge will have an investigation conducted to see if you were fired or if you left your place of voluntarily. If you left on your own accord, the alimony order will stay in place. Alimony is a lot like child support, so if you neglect paying it, you may find your future earnings are garnished. Some states will even put liens against you and may take you to jail. So, be sure you don't leave your job just so you don't have to pay spousal support.

New Partner Or Remarriage

If your ex-spouse starts living with a new partner or gets remarried, it may be grounds to have your support permanently terminated. If someone else has taken over the reins to support your ex-spouse, there really is no reason you should continue to do so.

In order for this to work, if your ex-spouse is not married to the new partner, they must living together. For instance, if the person your ex is living with is just a roommate, it won't get your payments lowered. Your ex must be in a committed relationship with the person they are living with in order to get your payments reduced or terminated.

Illness Or Injury

If you suddenly become too ill to work and support yourself, you can go to court and ask for your alimony payments to be reduced. The courts will look at the type of illness you have and how long you are expected to be out of work and make the necessary modifications to your case. They will also look at your physical and emotion condition.

The illness or injury you have has to pose some kind of threat to your living conditions. For example, the chances of your alimony payments being reduced or terminated because of a broken leg are close to none. A broken leg will heal and is not a condition that will take you out of work permanently.

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