Should You Hire a Felony Attorney?

Felony lawyers are attorneys who work on the highest forms of criminal cases. These usually involve charges that carry significant jail time. Likewise, some felonies may carry post-incarceration penalties such as being put on a list or prohibited from certain activities. Not all cases call for felony attorneys, though. Here are three reasons why you might need to hire a felony attorney. A Large Set of Charges Generally, non-felony cases tend to involve a couple of charges at most. [Read More]

The Importance Of Hiring An Experienced Child Custody Lawyer For Help

When you and your children's other parent separate, you both are faced with the question of where the children will go to live. You and this other person may both have strong opinions about with whom they should live. You may also disagree with and harbor ill will toward each other. Rather than arguing in front your children, you can go through the proper legal channels to settle this contentious matter. [Read More]

Courtroom Or Kitchen? Choose The Best Place To Deal With Your Divorce

When it comes to divorce, the cost and complexity depend on where the divorce is settled. Divorcing couples have the opportunity to influence the location and the outcome of the divorce. Read on and find out what can be done at the kitchen table to avoid the courtroom. Know Your Issues As soon as you realize that divorce is in your future, talk to a divorce lawyer. They can help you understand what is at stake when it comes to common divorce issues listed below. [Read More]

What Does It Take To Win An Injury Case?

Folks who seek out personal injury law services often wonder about what will be needed to win a case. Outcomes can vary. Many cases come together very quickly because an insurance claims adjuster ends up finding the claim to be good. Other cases may end up being fought to the appellate courts over years or even decades. What's the difference? Let's take a look at which factors will likely dictate if, how, and when you will win your case. [Read More]