Three Scenarios In Which To Consider Divorcing A Prison-Bound Spouse

One of the many reasons that couples get divorced is because one of them is going to prison. While there are certainly lots of people who decide to wait faithfully for their significant other to be released, not everyone feels as though this is a decision that is worth making. If your spouse has recently been sentenced to prison and you're trying to evaluate how you can best proceed with your life, you may wish to consider that divorce could be an option. [Read More]

Steps To Take During A High Asset Divorce

Almost all divorces are highly emotional and stressful; however, high asset divorces can also be incredibly complicated as a couple deals with the end of their marriage an the division of shared assets. If you and your spouse share high assets and are planning on divorcing in the near future, it is important to protect yourself. Take the following steps in a high asset divorce case: Hire an Experienced Divorce Attorney [Read More]

The Pros & Cons of a Holographic Will

Some states, such as California, consider a holographic will to be a legal will. A holographic will is a will that you create and sign, without any witnesses present, including a notary. There are some pros to creating a holographic will, but there are some downsides as well. Taking the time to learn the pros and cons will help you determine if a holographic will or a traditional notarized will is better for you. [Read More]

Why You Should Never Represent Yourself In A Divorce

Whether it is something that you wanted or not, if you find yourself facing a divorce battle, you will want to make sure that you are retaining the best family law firm in your area. Before you get confident with the idea that you do not need their services, you will want to take a few minutes to consider why you should really never represent yourself in a divorce case. Here are some of those reasons: [Read More]