Three Situations That Will Have A Judge Reconsider The Amount Of Alimony You Pay Every Month
Getting the amount of alimony you pay every month reduced is actually a common question from those who are newly divorced. Alimony isn't a final sentence, it is simply a way to accommodate a spouse to grew used to the standard of living while the two of you were married. Though getting your alimony payments lowered isn't something that every judge is willing to do under normal circumstances, there are situations that will cause the courts to reevaluate your case.
Determining Marital Vs. Separate Assets When You Are Going Through A Divorce
When you and your spouse have decided to divorce, there could be a sizable amount of assets for you to divide. Your assets will be divided based on the state in which you live. While the majority of the states are known as equitable distribution states, the remaining states are community property states. In those that are equitable distribution, assets are divided by what is deemed fair when looking at the potential for future earnings.
Sharing Custody Of Your Child? Here Are 4 Tips That Will Help You Co-Parent Effectively
Divorce can take its toll on your emotions. It can be even more difficult on children. If you and your spouse are going to share custody of your children, it's important that their needs come first. You may have bitter feelings towards your ex-spouse but you should put those aside for the sake of your children. Joint custody can work if both parents work together. Here are four tips that will help ease the transition into joint custody.
When A Judge Must Decide: What To Know About Custody Evaluations
Emotional issues, like child custody and visitation, tend to be the most contentious when it comes to divorce. When couples are able to work together for the best interest of the child and a create a good, fair workable agreement outside of court, everyone wins. When it's left up to the family court judge, additional help and support is sometimes needed. Child custody evaluators assist judges to determine who should get custody of the minor child, and knowing about this process could prove to be beneficial.
Dealing With Kids' Emotions From A Back-And-Forth Visitation Schedule
If you have recently gone through a divorce, you may be in a situation where joint custody has been granted. This can be a great resolution for parents, but can be confusing and stressful on children. It is important to acknowledge how much your children's lives have been affected by visitation schedules. Here are three ways you can help your child work through their emotions from the back-and-forth they face getting used to a new visitation schedule.
3 Ways To Legally End Your Marriage
The challenges of staying married may be difficult for you. The differences in opinions may create stress in a relationship and divorce seems the best way out for many couples. Being capable of seeing eye-to-eye on financial matters, raising kids and a host of other decisions can get to be too much for many spouses. If you're considering a divorce, it's ideal to know the best one to meet your needs for a faster resolution.
4 Reasons To Hire A Family Attorney To Mediate An Adoption
Family attorneys not only handle divorces; they can also help with adoptions. If you are planning to adopt a child, it is often best to hire a family attorney to mediate throughout the adoption process. Here are a few reasons why:
A family attorney can help keep you from being defrauded.
If the birth parents of a child have placed their baby up for adoption independently, the attorney can mediate between you and the birth parents.
Benefiting From A QDRO With Your Divorce
Most people recognize that when you divorce, your marital property, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, and household vehicles, are normally divided. What some people may not know, however, is that certain types of retirement accounts also fall into the marital property category, no matter whose name is on the account as owner or who actually provided the money to fund that account. Not knowing about this legal mechanism for ensuring that you get your fair share of that money could put you at a severe financial disadvantage, especially when it comes time to retire.
3 Ways A Divorce Or Family Law Attorney Can Benefit You
The process of going through a divorce is one that is both emotionally and financially draining. One of the ways to ameliorate both of these issues is to hire the services of a divorce of family law attorney. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn a few ways that a divorce or family law attorney can benefit you throughout the proceedings of a divorce.
Speeding Up The Process
How Can You Find Hidden Assets In A Divorce?
In a divorce, it is important for both spouses to be honest about their assets and debts so that a fair settlement can be reached. However, if one spouse is being dishonest about his or her assets, the other spouse could be left feeling cheated. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets from you, here are some ways you can uncover them.
Search Public Records
Although it does not always happen, it is possible for a person to buy property and his or her spouse not be aware of the purchase.